Thomas Nagel (1974): What is it like to be a bat? The Philosophical Review 83, No. 4: 435- 450. magyarul: (2004): Milyen lehet denevérnek lenni? Vulgo, 5. évf. 2. sz. Sutyák Tibor (ford.) p. 3-13. |
Thomas Nagel (1974): What is it like to be a bat? The Philosophical Review 83, No. 4: 435- 450. |
Thomas Nagel (2004): Milyen lehet denevérnek lenni? Vulgo, 5. évf. 2. sz. |
Thomas Nagel a tudatos tapasztalat jellegéről (recenzió) |
Thomas Nagel (1998): Conceiving the Impossible and the Mind-Body Problem. Royal Institute of Philosophy annual lecture, given in London on February 18, 1998; published in Philosophy vol. 73 no. 285, July 1998, pp 337-352 |